

词性标记 英文全称 中文全称
CC Coordinating Conjunction 并列连词
CD CarDinal number 基数词
DT DeTerminer 限定词(如this,that,these,those,such,不定限定词:no,some,any,each,every,enough,either,neither,all,both,half,several,many,much,(a) few,(a) little,other,another.
EX EXistential there 存在句,表示存在性的 there,例如在 There was a party 句子中
FW Foreign Word 外来词
IN preposition or subordinating conjunction 介词或从属连词
JJ adJective 形容词或序数词
JJR adJective, compaRative 形容词比较级
JJS Adjective, Superlative 形容词最高级
LS LiSt item marker 列表标示
MD MoDal 情态助动词
NN NouN, singular or mass 常用名词(单数形式)
NNS NouN, plural 常用名词(复数形式)
NNP Proper NouN, singular 专有名词(单数形式)
NNPS Proper NouN, plural 专有名词(复数形式)
#PDT PreDeTerminer 前位限定词
POS POSsessive ending 所有格结束词
PRP PeRsonal Pronoun 人称代词
PRP$ possessive pronoun 所有格代名词(物主代词)
RB adveRB 副词
RBR adveRB, compaRative 副词(比较级)
RBS adveRB, Superlative 副词(最高级)
RP PaRticle 小品词
SYM SYMbol 符号
TO to 作为介词或不定式格式
UH interjection 感叹词
VB VerB, base form 动词(基本形式)
VBD VerB, past tense 动词(过去时态)
VBG VerB, Gerund or present participle 动词(动名词和现在分词)
VBN VerB, past participle 过去分词
VBP VerB, non-3rd person singular present 动词(现在时态,非第三人称单数)
VBZ VerB, 3rd person singular present 动词(现在时态,第三人称单数)
WDT Wh-DeTerminer wh限定词(如关系限定词: whose,which.疑问限定词:what,which,whose.)
WP Wh-Pronoun wh代词(who whose which)
WP$ possessive Wh-Pronoun wh所有格代词(物主代词)
WRB Wh-adveRB wh副词(how where when)


Searched by: nn jj VBZ DT 词性分析

1. 词性标记集[EB/OL]. https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/zh/SS5RWK_3.5.0/com.ibm.discovery.es.ta.doc/iiysspostagset.htm, 2019-12-21.
2. NLTK的词性[EB/OL]. https://blog.csdn.net/heyongluoyao8/article/details/43731743, 2019-12-21.